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Friday 2 August 2013

more and more sweet

Crescent of Dates

For the dough
3 cups of multi-purpose flour .
1 cup of melted butter
1 or 2 eggs
a pinch of salt
Rose water
For the filling

Date paste
A handfull of cracked walnut.

1 cup of Syrup to finish with...

melted butter

mix the melted butter and the flour ,
add salt

Add the eggs

Add some Rose water until you get a soft dough
cover the dough with a plastic bag, and put it in the fridge.

leave the dough in the fridge for about half an hour.
In the mean while :
Get the filling ready:

Add to the Date paste 1 tsp of cinammon
and 1 tblsp of butter
mix the Date paste and the ingredints above until you get a soft paste like shown in the picture below

Date paste mixed with butter and cinammon

mix the Date paste and the craked walnut very well until you get a paste like the one on the right picture.
this is a pastry decorator: to decorate the crescents

Get the dought out of the fridge

flatten the dought

using a circle cutter

cut the dought

out some of the Date paste in the each circle of the dough
close the circles

after closing the circles, shape them

make crescents
then decorate the crescents using the pastry decorator

then cook them in the oven
180 Degrees for 15min to 20 min
when they are nicely cooked with a golden color
and while they are still warm, poor on them syrup .
then Enjoy

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